50 Free Prints AND $15 Credit at Shutterfly!


Shutterfly is giving away 50 free prints to each NEW registrant and a $15 credit towards anything (does not apply to shipping, though) to any member--old or new!

Login or create a Shutterfly account

Click on “My Shutterfly” and scroll all the way down the page to “Credit Balance" and click on "Gift Certificates/Credits." On the next page, click on "View my special offers and credits."
In the box, enter the following code: FIFTEENOFF

That’s it! You will be able to enjoy $15 off your next order. The best part is that this code doesn’t expire until July of 2109! Yes, we have 100 years to use this credit! But you could use it now to get some prints for free, particularly those nice 8×10. Or you could use it to get a good discount on photo calendars for next year.

Happy Shopping!


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